I really want to breed Rainbow budgies, but what are the colors of the parents required to make a rainbow budgie? Ideally, your budgies need to be alone in a large cage, 24 inches by 16 inches is ideal, with a height of around 18 inches. It's a combination of several different mutations. I am desperatly trying to find another rainbow but I just cannot seem to find any anywhere!! Clearwing, greywing and dilute are all varieties of the same mutation. How to Identify Your Budgie's Sex. If you just got a budgie, you may want to determine its sex. :) Source(s): breed rainbow budgies: https://bitly.im/aoE2N. He was my first budgie and he was amazing!! Dark Factors In Blue: Blue budgies come in 3 different shades or dark factors, sky, cobalt and mauve.The belly, chest and rump will usually be the places to show the body color, with the exception of opaline budgies and those that can mask mutations such as ino, df … The most important addition to any budgie cage is a nest box on the side of the cage. You can also watch your budgie's behavior or listen to it to determine the sex. My Birds My Foods & Supplements Always treat your pets as family members. Display Modes: Linear Mode. My Birds My Foods & Supplements Always treat your pets as family members. Learn which colors signify a male or female budgie. However, there IS such thing as a "Rainbow" budge. 0 0. getting a male partner for a female budgie, how to produce rainbow budgie, male or female companion for parakeet, male or female companipn for male budgie. Budgies lack the pigmentation to make red/pink/orange and you will never see these colours in a budgie. Lv 4. Genetic Information: With the clearwing both males and females can be split for this mutation, but two copies of the gene (one from the father, one from the mother) must be present for a visual clearwing. Rainbow budgies are combination of many mutations. A good rule to follow in this type of situation is to schedule an appointment with an avian vet to make sure that the bird is not sick or injured. I am beginning to think I dropped lucky with Cecil! Clearwings, greywings and dilutes generally have different colored cheek patches. We sent thee not, but as a Mercy for all creatures (Quran 21:107) 5 years ago. Clearwings will have normal intensity violet cheek patches, while Greywings will have more diluted light violet cheek patches.Dilutes will typically have very pale cheek patches when compared to both of these. Click on a term to search for related topics. Thanks in advance! If only I could remember the breeders details! Clearwing is recessive with the exception of greywing and dilute. Email this Page. This also tells how rainbow budgies can look different because of the mutations they are carrying. make sure you add eggfood and shredded carrot to their diet, they need the extra to get into breeding condition. If you have a pair of budgies who have always lived in a cage of this size, you will just need to make a couple of easy changes. As strikingly beautiful as this little one is, it is 100% photoshoped. One needs to breed Clearwings (Blue series), Opalines, Yellow Face, Cobalt, Violet, Skyblue etc in order to get Rainbow budgies. If your feathered friend's health checks out, you can then begin to try and decipher possible stressors in your home that may trigger appetite loss in your bird. Thread Tools: Show Printable Version. I recently lost my dear rainbow budgie Cecil. Here are some examples of normal green and blue clearwing, greywing and dilute cheek patches: Betty.