For any medical emergency, you should consult a professional veterinarian immediately. Stopping before the tailbone(end part of the spine) stroke down your guinea pig spine. That is known as luxation. It is important to determine whether vaccination or medication protocols were changed. Excessive water hardness or high concentrations of iron or heavy metals in water can antagonize trace mineral absorption, leading to foot lesion development. Guinea pig back leg problems are prevalent. Audits of product consumption or antibody testing for vaccine titers, if available, can be used as verification methods. Being a prey animal guinea pigs are very much talented at hiding their pain. Fractures of the femur, humerus, ribs, or vertebrae may be induced by strong muscle contractions during the slaughter process; however, if the problem is seen frequently, it may be a reflection of the overall integrity of the skeleton and warrant further evaluation of the minerals and vitamins in the ration. Actually, he was able to run quite fast on those remaining three legs and for the next week, I felt pretty foolish running around daily, trying to corner and catch such a small three-legged lamb that could still outrun and outsmart me! Please note that we are not medical experts. Such issues are treated with anti-inflammatory medicines that treat swelling and redness and painkillers for getting relief from the pain. The pen ahead and pen behind the last pigs to stand up and first pigs to lie down should be observed. They usually limp when they are not able to carry their weight. This is true not only for federal regulations regarding use of antimicrobials and analgesics but also for the patchwork of commercial marketing programs that are typically more restrictive on product use through contractual agreements. Left untreated, the stifle (knee) joint eventually becomes very swollen, and the pig has to be euthanized because it becomes unable to … Bumblefoot is also known as plantar pododermatitis. Let your guinea pig be in a relaxed position. Pigs should be made to move around (in pens or into alleyways), to stand, and if housing allows, to walk, watching for behavior typical of lame pigs. Understanding the farm hygiene practices is important to determine risks of injury and disease from slippery surfaces or contamination from transport vehicles. The rear legs appear to be weak, but the cause is a neurological deficit that develops in the spine. You can help them by spending as much time as you can with them. You can help your guinea pig get back to average weight. Being bored and feeling lonely can lead to stress and depression in guinea pigs. Your guinea pig will need a proper rest for weeks after this. Arthritis is prevalent in guinea pig’s life. Disadvantages are the management of controlled substances used as anesthetics, required withdrawal times, and the challenge of managing recovery from anesthesia with other pigs present or in facilities that may not be set up for such procedures. Larger pigs can be snared or cast using ropes. It depends on how severely your guinea pig has been impacted. As every breed has nearly identical weight (anywhere between 1000-1200 grams), you can find out if your guinea pig is overweight. Your guinea pig will struggle to stand, walk, and exercise. The pen evaluation is intended to identify the lame pigs. It’ll take some time to get managed with this. she is not overweight for her age. When evaluating a population of pigs, it is useful to first consider an inverted pyramid approach of the entire room, followed by pens of pigs and finally individual pig evaluations. If a suitable vaccine is not commercially available, an autogenous product can be created for some pathogens for use in an individual herd and, provided it is cost-effective, can be used to prevent regular outbreaks of disease. Skeletal development may be affected by relatively short-term nutritional deficiencies, especially considering expectations for rapid growth and muscle development in modern hybrid pigs. Guinea pig’s legs are fragile, so it can be a critical issue if your guinea pig goes through a fracture. Amputation in the leg may be needed in case of a spread of disease. Morbidity information should include treatments and the responses observed. Regular monitoring for causal organisms, serotype, etc, is essential for effective use of either antibacterial agents or vaccines. There are dozens of possible causes of lameness or limping in a dog's hind leg. He is more subdued than normal and seems … He doesn't squeak when I touch his shoulder and foot either. Joints embedded in muscle mass (eg, hip, stifle, shoulder) require deep palpation, which may not be possible on large, heavily muscled pigs. In this guinea pig will go through. There are many ways in which guinea pigs can harm their back legs. With an increase in pressure, start kneading also. The link you have selected will take you to a third-party website. For proper rest, your guinea pig has to be in their cage for a month. Then no leg for a few days, then suddenly the left hind leg. The Merck Veterinary Manual was first published in 1955 as a service to the community. The trusted provider of veterinary information since 1955, Lameness in Pigs in Grower/Finisher Areas, Lameness in Breeding Gilts, Sows, and Boars, Musculoskeletal Disorders in Large Animals. Evaluation of affected or cull pigs at a slaughter plant is not usually productive, because processing lines run too fast to evaluate all the elements of the musculoskeletal system, and all joints cannot be thoroughly examined. Distance and conditions pigs are required to traverse to access feed and water can affect wear on the feet and trauma to joints. Six 4- to 6-week-old pigs “had fluid filled swellings of their left ears.” One also had a swollen left rear hock and was limping. link to Is It Worth Getting Pet Insurance For Guinea Pigs? Condemnations at slaughter can be another way to secure objective data on morbidity, when condemnations for limb abnormalities or fractures have a direct bearing on lameness and for polyserositis or downer pigs, which have an indirect bearing on lameness. If possible, the disease history among neighboring farms can help understand disease risks. Housing and the manner in which pigs and their environment are managed are central to potential lameness problems, especially the interface between the pig and the floor. Hind legs of guinea pigs help them to move at speed. Additionally, diagnostic laboratories have the facilities and personnel to perform more complete and careful dissections of joints, the spine, and brain. Mortality data can be evaluated as an absolute rate or, more usefully, as incidence by stage or week of production. That will work as a painkiller as well as a distraction for your guinea pig. Avoid offering treats to your guinea pig. Hours Of Fun And Relaxation For Adults As Well As Kids. my potbelly pig, emma, has developed a limp in her right, front leg, seeminly out of nowhere. Morbidity and mortality associated with any lameness and the number of groups, pens, rooms, or buildings with affected pigs are all relevant. My guinea pig is dragging their back leg. Pigs with acute diseases that may result in death typically require parenteral therapy with a drug of choice (using approved products first) based on tentative diagnosis and the clinician’s experience until results of a necropsy and antimicrobial sensitivity profiles are available. If muscle disease is suspected, a sample of diaphragm and muscle from affected areas should be submitted fixed in formalin. Protocols to evaluate bone density using front feet have been developed and may be available in some laboratories. It may be feasible to provide medication in the water or feed after the initial parenteral treatment. At least three body systems (musculoskeletal, nervous, and integumentary) may be affected independently or in combination. Legs are situated beneath the thigh and up above the foot. Signs include lethargy, a dull coat, weakness, depression, tenderness to the touch, hopping instead of walking, and inflamed or stiff arm and leg joints. Lameness has been an issue in swine production for many years and continues to be a problem worldwide. … Guinea pigs also use their hind legs to stand in search of predators, or for begging. The loss of back legs will have a disastrous impact on your guinea pig. guinea pig will need the help of the professional vet. It includes kneading. Use the antibacterial soap for washing their feet. Except getting it healed and feeling relaxed, your guinea pig will find it delightful. An owner should take good care of such a case. 5 Answers. With time your guinea pig will recover when the swelling gets reduced. After the five ft snow banks went down, the cat came back. Group size and stability also have an impact on development of lameness. The owner of the guinea pig needs to make sure that their guinea pig should always stay fit and healthy. Thus, any product type, dose, form, and use should be carefully considered in light of pertinent regulations for the jurisdictions in which the pigs are being raised and marketed. Diagnostic regimens are becoming more sensitive, increasing the likelihood of detecting and characterizing disease-causing agents. Also read: Can Guinea Pigs Vomit? Bedding can serve as a source of bacteria that cause infectious arthritis, such as Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in straw bedding. Increase the pressure in these areas, but don’t apply pressure on your guinea pig’s neck. Apply the same trick on your guinea pig joints once you are done with their back. A general physical examination of an individual pig for lameness requires a thorough, systematic, and consistent process by individual clinicians. Can I give him something to lessen his pain, should I wait or get him to the vet as soon as possible. Pig handling and movement are obvious potential causes of lameness, so understanding the level of staffing and extent of staff training are important parts of the case history. Any of these conditions will make it difficult for your guinea pig to use their hind legs. The WoodenByJackson store makes handmade wooden hayracks. Sorting growing pigs to allow for more variation in size within pens can reduce the time required for social structures to become established at weaning or regrouping times. Adequate numbers of representative, acutely lame, untreated pigs are essential. Although on-farm necropsies are feasible, it may be better to submit entire or even live pigs to a full-service diagnostic laboratory. I felt it to feel if anything was broken and it feels fine, and he will use it to pull himself up on the grids when I walk by. Continue kneading, but don’t apply pressure. We went to the vet, who found nothing. The muscles and tissues over the fracture site are often swollen and painful and the pig is very reluctant to move unless on three legs. Lack of voluntary control over urination. Guinea Pig Shelter House Castle Hideout is of good quality and size, easy to assemble castle. These changes can alter the epidemiology of diseases, posing both a challenge and an opportunity to intervene more effectively to reduce lameness.