But I believe by January 2021 it will be setting in the east and rising in the west. Prophecy, similarly, is not only a predictive tool, but an analytical lens for making sense of the past and current events. Please Share this Article: Posted in Prophecy permalink. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;”, FEATURED DVD: The Son of Perdition: Barack Hussein Obama (Part 1 of 2). You-know-who is coming back, in fact he never left. Here is the latest DVD exposing President Barack Obama as the Biblical Son of Perdition. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him predicted around the time when the Cosmic Crunch occurs, the Sun would rise from the West. etc. There is at that time great destruction of animals in general, and only a small part of the human race survives. Furthermore, the sun physically rising from the west would only prove the King and his god, Madruk to be correct and would make the argument of Abraham as useless. The NWO crescendo is building, but Truth always comes out in the end, therefore massive chaos must be unleashed in order to cover up PURE EVIL of this magnitude. Update : This is an important question that I need the answer to because the 'sun rising in the west' is a prophecy by Prophet Muhammad (swt) warning us … All Aboard the Glory Train! 2. There is a pattern in the Bible of astronomical symbols used as the arrival of God or His Presence. All that is left is for chaos to engulf the United States. yes.. and many prophecies of Muhammad pbuh are seems to be true.. e.g. That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside Me; I am the LORD; and there is none else; - Jewish Publication Society Bible. Is there a nation that could be called 'the King of the West'? Berean Study Bible so that all may know, from where the sun rises to where it sets, that there is none but Me; I am the LORD, and there is no other. Scientists warn 'Sun rising in the west' Details Published: 17 August 2015 Hits: 1211 Source: Express ; Tweet. Earth’s magnetic field is flipping at an alarming rate comparing than earlier rate. We already know that the ancient arab world was adept at mathematics. but one day the sun will rises from the west. Perhaps the alternate reading of the prophecy was, in fact, the correct one. And this will result in the Sun rising in the West, not in the East, and thus yet another of the great signs of the Judgment Day imparted by our Prophet (saas) will have been fulfilled. The Martell sigil is a sun, so if we take Quentyn as this sun, rising (or growing up) in the west and setting (dying) in the east, this part has been satisfied already. increase of wars before the day of judgement. "When the sun rises in the West and sets in the East. 26th October 2018. Bediüzzaman Said Nursi tells us that the Judgment Day will take place in the wake of this event. SCIENTISTS have warned Earth could be heading towards an extraordinary event which would see compasses point SOUTH and the sun rise in the West. Helios, also Helius (/ ˈ h iː l i oʊ s /; Ancient Greek: Ἥλιος Hēlios; Latinized as Helius; Ἠέλιος in Homeric Greek), in ancient Greek religion and myth, is the god and personification of the Sun, often depicted in art with a radiant crown and driving a horse-drawn chariot through the sky. Monday we could have a key witness testify against Clinton & Obama, pray for his safety. but as you can see the smoke is there in this passage as well. Well, we all know Satan mimics the nature and character of God, thus, the passage from Daniel 9:27 says “and there shall be in the temple the abomination of desolation”. Facebook . As per the present scenario... it seems inevitable! Hypocrites! Prophet Muhammad pbuh did not say that it will not be illusion. Epilogue The monk read the report with a growing sense of dismay. Ten signs the rising of the sun from the west, the smoke the Beast and it goes on. Now, there is some differences of opinions whether or not the smoke that's mentioned in the verses of the Quran refers to the smoke that was actually foretold as one of the major signs of the day of judgement. View all posts by thelightinthedarkplace. From the description on the link you gave, this isn't a prophecy. The Grand Cross, which is one of the most amazing astrological alignments ever seen in history, consisted of: the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in the sign of Leo, Mars and the Moon in Scorpio with Pluto close by in Sagittarius, Saturn and Jupiter in Taurus, and Neptune and Uranus in Aquarius. Now its clear that we cannot … Nostradamus prophecies predictions of the future for 2021 to 2023. You-know-who is coming back, in fact he never left. So the sun rising in the west is to be taken literally and not figuratively. The Promise Of Resurrection: Ten Prophecies Of Messiah Rising From The Dead By Rob Robinson on April 9, 2020 • ( 0) One of the objections that many critics of the Bible have, concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy, is in the subject of the three days between His death and resurrection. America and the white Christian West European Nationas are being destroyed within by a two prong attack. You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. Anti-Christ Unveiled: The Sun Rising in the West – Prophecy Fulfilled (Video) Date: March 28, 2018 Author: thelightinthedarkplace. Barack Obama’s lawless reign continues behind the scenes, with his holdovers still in the Dept. You have to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Savior of the world in order to make it through what is coming upon this Earth. Anti-Christ UNVEILED: The Sun Rising in the West, BELLUMINATI – Taco Bell’s New Commercial Depopulation Agenda Decoded (Video), Google Apollyon Surveillance – Tucker Carlson Reveals ‘Creepy Tech’ (Video), Follow The Light in the dark place on WordPress.com, The Identity of Christ Perfectly Revealed – These Scriptures Change the World Forever (Video), Luciferase Quantum Dot COVID-19 Vaccinations – The Bill and Melinda Gates Satanic Agenda (Video), Mark of the Beast – COVID-19 Forced Vaccination Agenda – The Exact Biblical Vocabulary Explains It All (Video), The Identity of Christ Perfectly Revealed – These Scriptures Change the World Forever (Video), Luciferase Quantum Dot COVID-19 Vaccinations – The Bill and Melinda Gates Satanic Agenda (Video), Mark of the Beast – COVID-19 Forced Vaccination Agenda – The Exact Biblical Vocabulary Explains It All (Video), COVID-19 Mutated from ‘Abaddon Sheep Slaughter’ to D614G ‘Fruit From the Secret Harvest to Perish’ (Video), The Vatican’s a Serpent With Split Tongue Pathway and Dead Sheep in Mouth – Serpent Is Satan in the Bible, Sheep are Christians (Video). 1. And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is. Accordingly, Hadith … Now, there is some differences of opinions whether or not the smoke that's mentioned in the verses of the Quran refers to the smoke that was actually foretold as one of the major signs of the day of judgement. EDIT ----- TO LUCIFER. Share. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. FEATURED VIDEO: Anti-Christ UNVEILED: The Sun Rising in the West, Description: Our bodies are referred to as the Temple of the Holy Spirit, we are once again (through Christ’s sacrifice) a habitable dwelling place for the Spirit of the Living God, a divine connection that had been cut-off since Adam & Eve in the Garden. All the while, ACTUAL evidence is surfacing regarding his disregard for American law and national safety. Anti-Christ UNVEILED: The Sun Rising in the West Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. that people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the LORD, and there is no other. Mark of the Beast - COVID-19 Forced Vaccination Agenda - The Exact Biblical Vocabulary Explains It All (Video), Luciferase Quantum Dot COVID-19 Vaccinations - The Bill and Melinda Gates Satanic Agenda (Video), COVID-19 Official Name of Coronavirus Means: Angel of the Bottomless Pit - Sheep - Slaughter (Video), Architecture Revealed: The Vatican Is a Crowned Serpent! To understand the absolute magnitude of this prophecy fulfillment, one must simply examine the extensive evidence collected below. After unlocking Exalted One you have to defeat it multiple times within three hours. If strong enough, these phenomena can greatly affect life on Earth, disrupting communication satellites and bathing high-flying aircraft with increased radiation. Earth’s magnetic field is flipping at an alarming rate comparing than earlier rate. The level of the opponents increases as you advance. Shortly we shall witness a time to do or die. Rise of the Sun from the West. Scientists already proved this claim to be true. Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara says that the departure of his group led by Wimal Weerawansa from the government is something that will never happen like the rising sun in the West. Ancient cultures kept detailed star charts. I looked at the east, from my other window, I saw the real sun rising, then on the west I saw these moon like planets and the sun like planet. 2. The sun rising summary and analysis: The sun rising is a thirty-line poem containing three stanzas. The Big Bang Theory and the Cosmic Crunch in the Noble Quran. Sun rising in the west and setting in the east: Quentyn. Post navigation ← Yes! Jesus Christ's Return as the Rising Sun Pattern in the Bible of East to West. The pictures disappeared. Berean Study Bible so that all may know, from where the sun rises to where it sets, that there is none but Me; I am the LORD, and there is no other. Both the Quran and the Hadith affirm that this phenomenon will take place. Pinterest. A full scale nuclear war between Christianity and Islamic Dharma is in offing. (Videos), Jesus: The Self-Existent Eternal Jehoshua - One of the Most Profound Scriptural Revelations of All Time (Video), Communion + 411. Wake up. of Justice (and with Deep State/CIA/MSM help) he has been able to direct public attention toward the false “Russian Collusion” story. The sun actually rising from the west would require an axis shift, and some interpretations say it will rise from the west, and then set it the west. Wherein the Mark of the Beast would ultimately unleash this dark potential within the human genome, with the spirit of fallen angels descending onto Earth, and Lucifer himself ultimately setting up residence in the flesh of the willing Antichrist: “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” REVELATION 12:9, FEATURED VIDEO: The Phantom Tyrant: Barack Obama Commentary. Look at this Scriptural Nuclear Bomb to Satan's Falling Kingdom! FEATURED VIDEO: The Antichrist is Exposed. When the seas go dry we dont know what will happen. The stage has been set. By Jon … The rising sun in the west is a probability that may result from world war 3! Traveling Down the Rapture Road in 2 Peter (Part 17) It was as though there were only wooden or stone statues garbed in priests’ robes and carrying begging bowls. Barack Obama's lawless reign continues behind the scenes, with his holdovers still in the Dept. Anti-Christ Unveiled: The Sun Rising in the West - Prophecy Fulfilled (Video) on - March 28, 2018. I'm pretty sure we are being reminded of the prophecy Mirri Maz Duur gave Dany for a reason. Quick Takes – Trending Prophetic News “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘It’s going to rain,’ and it does. 1. Bible Commentary for Isaiah 45:6. Join Our Newsletter. Imam Hakim (Mowlana al-Hakim bi-Amrillah) - “The rising of the sun from the west will take place before the emergence of the Beast. Anekdiégétos - Unspeakable Gift - Thanks be unto God for His Unspeakable Gift (Video), Yahweh Has Given a Messenger to Ring the Bell to Gather the Church - Fulfilled - End of the World Coming Soon (Video), The True Identity of Jesus Christ - Will Turn Your World Upside Down. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Then he will return and not before". It was as though there were only wooden or stone statues garbed in priests’ robes and carrying begging bowls. The author presents inspiring discourse, supported with over 1,000 full-colour images and custom diagrams, guiding the student through a comprehensive program of spiritual development. We welcome you to visit:                   THIS IS IT Be4theFire, Ghostwriter for http://thisisitbe4thefire.com The Prophecy Marc Torra The Star: The 17th Arcanum. Metaphysical poetry is the ones which go beyond the physical world. Revisiting The Prophecy, "When the sun rises in the West and sets in the East." but as you can see the smoke is there in this passage as well. But I believe by January 2021 it will be setting in the east and rising in the west. There are many videos and websites that talk about having evidence of a fake sun.. .The patents are in the records. “Sun rising in the East or West…?” Shalom Partner and Friend of Israel, When the apostles first began to spread the "Good News" of Yeshua (Jesus) into the world, the Holy Spirit instructed them… "NOT to preach the Word of God in Asia " (Acts 16:6-7). All that is left is for chaos to engulf the United States. Monday we could have a key witness testify against Clinton & Obama, pray for his safety. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ... posted the last of its commentary series on the prophecies of Zechariah as interpreted as a literal time of the end prophecy. WhatsApp. So when the sun will rise and the people will see it (rising from the West) they will all believe (embrace Islam) but that will be the time when: (As Allah said,) 'No good will it do to a soul to believe then, if it believed not before, nor earned good (by deeds of righteousness) through its Faith.' Now it is returning from the east, like the sun rising.” 20 These remarks make it clear that Buddhism is lost in both India and China. Veronika West . That people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the Lord, and there is no other. This type of poem deals with topics such as love, religion, God, faith, beauty and so on. The Ame What happens on Mars relatively to us viewing from Earth is not relevant to the hadith. Now, this may seem awfully familiar to us. Twitter. In the Bible, Satan Is the Serpent! Us leaving the government is like the sun rising in the west - Vasu. Although the prophecy of the sun rising from the west is among our most interesting, my understanding is it connects to revelations, and the wormwood prophecies of the bible. Jesus taught: 29 They will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and sit down in the kingdom of God. Create a website or blog at WordPress.com. John Donne is also known as a metaphysical poet. Now it is returning from the east, like the sun rising.” 20 These remarks make it clear that Buddhism is lost in both India and China. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. EVERYTHING. The occurrence of this phenomenon is considered in Islam as one of the major signs that indicate the Day of Judgement is … SCIENTISTS have warned Earth could be heading towards an extraordinary event which would see compasses point SOUTH and the sun rise in the West. Ramadan Realities of 12 Months of Hijri Rising Sun of the West Secrets of Holy Quran Shams ul Arifeen. There are two things happening about our earth. There are two things happening about our earth. You have to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Savior of the world in order to make it through what is coming upon this Earth. In conclusion, China in Prophecy as well as Europe in Prophecy were created and launched to teach the Prophetic roles that these two final endtime : military and nuclear superpowers will have during the Great Tribulation period. Lucifer controls the world stage from behind the curtain, and his plans are purely sinister and evil beyond human comprehension. Rising Sun … In the picture, the woman may symbolise the Greek goddess Themis, daughter of Uranus (the sky) and Gaia.Themis, referred to as *Ma’at *in ancient Egypt, represents justice, from which the word magistrate is derived. 0. We would argue that this verse is talking about the Temple body becoming desolate, hacked into by Satan and his demons. The Biblical ‘son of perdition’ has been identified! Here is the latest DVD exposing President Barack Obama as the Biblical Son of Perdition. The stage has been set. Back to Top . Especially since Daenerys gave us a reminder during S6E01, The Red Woman. Rising Sun: Prophecy is the first part of a limited time PvE event. It was published in 1633 by John Donne. (Video), The New Race Is Here! FEATURED VIDEO: The Antichrist Will Return Amidst Engineered Anarchy. The subject pronoun –ha (“its”) in the word maghribiha (“it’s west”) appears to refer to the sun itself, meaning that the sun will rise from west of its standard position. Nostradamus, however, forecast stronger solar storms that can “see the water rising and the earth …