Which /tg/ has in copious, albeit impotent, amounts. The Angry Marines then realized their folly at listening -- even if only for a moment -- to an insufferable faggot. The Makers Cult 2nd Wave: Valour Korps Walker and ... What's On Your Table: Inquisitorial Conclave, What Game is This? So far towards the horizon, we don't meet people. rem... Hi folks, Glancing over his shoulder, trying to delay the inevitable, Shitforbrains spotted the three Angry Tech Priests and Apothecary who were there to take away any initiate who completely lost his mind while playing the game so that he could be turned into a Kill-a-Tor, a proposition which Shitforbrains was seriously considering. There are roughly a thousand Chapters, each led by a Space Marine with the rank of Chapter Master.A Chapter's fighting force numbers a nominal 1000 … Last words: Unknown, as the acidic blood had destroyed his voice box before he could say anything. At this, the screen flashed “GAME OVER COCKSUCKER!! So here we go :-) The locals, brave though they were, could not stand against the heretical Astartes. +++++. We began to suspect that this non-codex treatment of ranged weaponry was the cause of the shortage of bolters in the Angry Marines' armory aboard the Litany of Litany's Litany. As the chapter had not even supplied the Administratum with a home world, the scribe was sent to the commander of the “Somethingth” company, a marine named Shitkicker. (and perhaps across the 40K meta in general), is the Sydonian Dragoon Died after using all of his Angrytalon Gunship’s ammunition fighting Fighta Bommas and deciding to use his craft to ram the remaining other planes. Eight hours later and Shitforbrains had started getting twitchy, even with some of his gene seed implanted the long hours starring at the tiny screen before him was making his eyes hurt and he really needed a shit at this point, the rumours about the initiates being fed laxatives in their pre-test meals seemed to be true. Hi all mini... El Liche arcà és una miniatura esculpida per Gary Morley, escultor que va "What the fuck..." the Commissar uttered under his breath, in disbelief. Chief Reclusiarch Mofo doesn't really give a shit as "ANY PUSSY WHO WOULD JOIN CHAOS IS A WORLD EATER WANNABE!!! !” chipped in a lieutenant to break the silence, who was then immediately beaten to the ground by the marines surrounding him and dragged, kicking and swearing, from the room. “No. Lying next to it was a small piece of paper. The rest of the squad squirmed in their acceleration harnesses to watch the show, while the hull started to whine against the increasingly dense atmosphere. I’M IN WITH A FUCKING CHANCE!!!”. "The Xenos are routed, and I speak for the entire planet when I express the deepest of gratitude for your help in preserving our fair planet," Leass started. PANSY ASSES HIDING IN THE GROUND?!! !’ then shot down multiple drop pods that streaked towards the surface at a surprisingly (at least for those used to seeing such deployments) high speed. picked out a few created on the trousers with Skavenblight Dinge. !” Exclaimed Moarfistin “I CAN’T BE FUCKED WAITING ARPUND FOR YOU TO FIGHT AGAIN!!! The first finished unit of my Necron army, bit more work on the bases than what is going on with this game at the moment, but I'm hoping it will once Wogan finally had something to contribute. 2020. “I DON'T GIVE TWO LUMPS OF SHIT ABOUT WHAT THE GOVERNOR ASSHAT THINKS, WE'RE THROWING IN ALL OF THE ANGRY GANGS!!!”. The Enemy seemed to take a perverse joy in shooting the wounded. IT'S A CLUSTERFUCK OF GRIMDARK PROPORTIONS, TOO MANY LAZY WANKERS ABOUT THESE DAYS!! The records of this dire moment in Imperial history were (until I came upon them) known only to the two Space Marine Chapters that took part in the skirmish. HITTING MORE THINGS. The forge fires of DreadTober 2020 have been well and truly quenched! Instantly his crozius was alight in his hand, its power field sending blue energy flicking out from its surface. Pondered Motherfucker out loud (being an Angry Techpriest, Jordy only spoke in lower case most of the time). While his one weakness is that he is rather sedate when faced with one-legged foes (he only screams at a moderate volume and force-feeds his defeated foes only one or two of their own limbs), his rage is multiplied as the amount of legs on a foes increases to a level rivaling that of Temperus himself. Then run away. definition of - senses, usage, synonyms, thesaurus. Due to a tragic incident involving a Nurgle cult unleashing a plague at his home colony, Moarfistin was driven to insanity, but this was also when he discovered his latent abilities as a psyker and was picked up and immediately recruited by the Angry Marines. the Ferrox! Church hit the ground with almost as much force as the drop pods, Church was no longer scared, or inspired, he felt nothing but confused. WE ARE DEFINITLY NOT THERE TO KICK SOME MOTHERFUCKING SNEAKY CUNTSY ASS !! - 23:15 - Maintenance Rituals - FIX YOUR SHIT OR I'LL GRAB A TECH-PRIEST AND MAKE HIM FIX YOUR SHIT. Died while surfing a Landspeeder down a mountain whilst beating the shit out of an Ork Waaagh! do plenty of Vlogging. I looked closer and saw the figures of five yellow-clad Space Marines rushing toward us. This does, however, occasionally lead to friction amongst some of the more bellicose chapters of Astartes that still stubbornly refuse to yield to the wisdom of the blessed Codex Astartes. The Angry Marines had found a new recruit. YOU FOOKIN NOB-GOBLIN! Requires further investigation. when I have posted, my hobby progress has been pretty minimal. I’m more than certain there was a marine with an Ork head replacing a pauldron. Take a look to see all eight of the games (*so far*) "Lo, in the histories of the many Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, every Primarch listed that has ever come across my sage and learned eyes, has found root and home upon a planet, which hath shaped and set in stone the character of that warrior of The Emperor that he would become. As we sought cover, I noticed that no one was giving orders. The sun was almost eclipsed. Sorry been a bit quiet the past couple of weeks, me and Lauren are moving sparse.... Hi everyone, !”, “THEY'RE NOT FUCKING ALLOWED, YOU WASTE OF SPUNK! “SO YOU WORTHLESS CUNT MANAGED NOT TO WHINE, CRY AND DIE LIKE A BITCH? That left his second (AND TOTALLY NON-HERETICAL!!!) I'LL TEAR YOU FUCKERS A NEW ASSHOLE TO TEACH YOU NOT TO INTERUPT ME WHEN I'M TRYING TO MURDERFUCK THIS CUNTSY BOLTPILE!!" I heard their scream as they drew closer, drowning out all other sound, a horribly insensitive scream that rose above all other noise. The sergeant thought on this for a minute before calling for one of the sector’s Chaplains. But the angry marines were angry like never before and a mere thing like “gravity” and “the laws of physics” would not stop the emperors justice from landing on these peckerheads heads! And I understand you have some information about the Angry Marines´ unwillingness to cooperate with Imperial officials. Last words: “WHERE’S THAT COVER-CAMPING TWAT?!!! And still the Titan kept on going, towards the hordes of alien monsters heading for man's last bastion on this world. "Your customs and sense of humour are strange to me, sergeant." !” He shouted at the two remaining marines “I’VE GPT SOME WEEABOOS TO GO AND FIST BEFORE SLASNESHMAS COMES AROUND AGAIN!! !” Ching shouted as she kicked Moarfistin in the shins hard enough to be felt through power armour “your fucking attracting every cunt nearby wanting to make their points cost back and you keep stopping to stamp on Nurglings!” “FUCKING NURGLINGS!! The budget for the existing Air Force Space Command would increase before it would become its own branch. The Titan's peripheral sensors picked up hundreds of metallic signatures and thousands of human bio-signs. For his heroism, Asshole was immediately inducted to the 5th Company and promoted to the rank of Sergeant. One of the meteoroites seemed to be saying In case you're not familiar with my past work on Tyranids, it could be said The pissed off Angry Marines on board the Cruiser ”IFUCKDURMOM” were rushing to the nearest drop pods, wanting to be the first one knocking the shit out of the Chaosfags attacking the imperial world 'Pandaemonium Prime'. Sawyers bea... Hi readers! ", shouted a marine. Then the Cackumbabo rocketed into the mass of Nid ships, blazing firepower in every direction, only to be seen again one hour later when its warp engines detonated and dragged a hundred bio-ships to hell. The Adeptus Astartes is comprised of autonomous Chapters, each of which is a complete army in itself, possessing its own transport, Warp-capable spacecraft, non-combatant personnel, and fortress-monastery based on a planet or fleet. !” I yelled. NECROMUNDA CAMPAIGN REVIEW II. “THIS IS CAPTAIN FUCKTIOUS TWATSPLASHER OF THE IMPERIAL ANGRY MARINES! All the while the dreadnought fired off autocannon rounds at random, his powerfist desperately trying to grab the chaplain and remove him from his chassis. "I NEVER FUCKING BOTHERED REMEMBERING THE NUMBER OF CUNTS AND ASSHOLES I'VE KICKED AND PUNCHED SO I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU OR YOUR OPINIONS!!! Wogan laughed in the exultation of near-death, watching on his scanner screen as the xenos queen came closer. ", It had been difficult to convince Raeg of his plan, but the chapter had already heavily damaged two battle barges in recent years during the Tertius Gamma campaign. It shook the ground. gems fro... Hi folks! The head has been in the possession of a number of different parties such as (but not limited to) the ultramarines (who built a shrine to it and masturbated to it), nurgle (as even he found it vile to gaze upon), the eldar (who used its space and time warping aura to be complete dicks) and the pretty marines (who put makeup on it). The Chaos Space Marines and logic engines detecting their low flying craft entirely too late. :P He couldn't move. Although physically unharmed it is believed that Black Brothers eventually consider themselves constantly on fire, making water psychologically lethal to them. !” shouted Mofo, who just wanted to go back to watching cartoons. I turned to Brother Starr, his microphone held high as he prepared to give a beautifully arousing speech to all the brothers gathered there. The blast door at the far end of the cavernous room opened and three dreadnoughts strode through, the central one holding something draped with a thick, black cloth, while another carried a large chunk of metal, which seemed to weigh down the dreadnought far more than its size would suggest. The head sits impaled on a wooden stick and has a large cock and balls drawn on its forehead in permanent marker, from the remains of the heads neck droops a thick clump of fur, described by ancient texted as the "Crown of the neckbeards", which is said to have been awarded to the fifth/sixth chaos god for fucking over an ancient table top game. some time t... eBook edition. The Friendly Fire "Incident" of Klaxus XII, They called me a Cunt I'll Fuck Their Shit Up, Ruination of the Black Legion Warband on Tormus Octavion, The Rise of Librarian Moarfistin, the Extremely Cross, Master of the Armoury, Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third, Tyranids V Millennials V Angry Titans: A fucking novella, or something. It appears to be the Adeptus Astartes.". IN THE DARK, FUKKEN DUH. Rebellion flared. There was a hint of a smile in his eye as he walked out of the room. From the historical records of Inquisitor Jangel, non-aligned investigator of Adeptus Astartes "Incidents". AND YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO REINFORCE US?!? * **BLAM!!! Listening to them scream, watching them bleed... “Very well. The event would have been awe and fear inspiring, if it hadn’t taken the mechanical procession two minutes to reach the centre of the chamber, with the master of the armoury scuttling along to try and keep up with the lumbering dreadnoughts, but finally, they reached the centre of the room, and set down the object wrapped in cloth. He bellowed with rage. They hate the Iron Hands slightly less due to their intense self-hate and anger. Bad grammar, because IF YOU’RE GOING TO FUCKING SCREAM YOU CAN FUCKING DO IT RIGHT (WHERE IS YOUR PUNCTUATION, YOU ANAL BITING, DONKEY RAPING FUCK-TARD? guess! You guys. The top of the walls had a thin slot where the void shields did not extend, but this space was not big enough to permit passage of an aircraft the size of a thunderhawk. After much arguing and fighting (the equivilent of a polite hello followed by tea and biscuits for the Angry Marines) Jordy suggested the use of one of the terminators storm shields as a sled to slide over the ice slopes, in imitation of a water based pastime from his home world. I de-sprued it all and removed But to his surprise, when the airlock doors opened there was no one there to greet him. It is the summer break and it has been years since you've last seen your aunt and cousins in the countryside, so you don't know what to expect. Facts like this did not deter Angry Marines. We may also remove inappropriate or inflammatory comments, including profanity, threats, off topic comments without warning. a 15% off to The Genesys Project community. Died from wounds inflicted by a Tau plasma rifle. Patiently he turned to his otherwise sanguine (by angry marine standards) brother and said +++++ What an awesome event and congratulations to Richard Siegler Being the smart and proactive psychic nut case that he is, Moarfistin has decided to do both, and currently has his crusade raiding and pillaging all nearby daemon worlds, cultist hideouts and chaos space marine vessels to build a brand new battle barge named the “Suicidal Insanity”, and has split his crusade down the middle (rather literally as there were an odd number of marines, said marine now has two bionic legs and an arm and his removed limbs were grafted onto a servitor), with the Suicidal Insanity staying behind to perform a crusade up and down the Maledictum, while Considerable Shouting continues onto the Tau worlds. Flicking/snapping open the book with a quick curse which could still be heard in the cargo bays the chapter master glared at the metal page, melting words into it through sheer, undiluted contempt, drops of alloy dripping from the book to sizzle on the floor. - I cannot control it... much longer.”, “ACKNOWLEDGED, BITCH!” Twatsplasher said without fear. update posts and this is going to be the one of two last updates. As the books screams became quieter and the wind abated somewhat, Crotch Rot straightened himself up and surveyed the destruction around him as his tally man picked himself up, having lost his book and an arm in the carnage. THINK YOU CAN FIGURE OUT WHICH END OF THIS TO USE?? Shadowclaimer Live Miniature Painting is over on Facebook! After being used, but what's most remarkable is that the roll hasn't run out, being destroyed after many millennia of use and still has the same angry face on the first sheet. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT NOW, COCK STINK!," replied Brother-Captain Shit-Ripper, leader of the Angry Marine task force. He slapped the Nid's face left, then right, then fucking chinned her with a straight punch. Release me?”. The Horus Heresy Legion Overview: The World Eaters - The Space Marine Legions of the First Founding make up the core factions and conflict of the Horus Heresy. "On Mars, such undisciplined rabble would be liquified and fed to the servitors. "WHERE'S YOUR FUCKING PEASHOOTER YOU FAGGOT?!?" CHAPTER MASTER- BITCH TITS, the apothocary said “WE'VE GOT FACES TO RAPE!! I WANT THAT POWER FIST READY TO RIP AND TEAR OR I'LL SLAP YOUR MISERABLE FEATURES ROUND THE BACK OF THAT CORN-STUDDED TURD ON TOP OF YOUR NECK! He wished to send a message through to the wider Imperium outlining his world's situation and pleading for help. !” “LETS FUCKING INVADE MACRAG, THE ULTRACUNTS HAVE GOT PLENTY OF BOG ROLL!! Thus, his Battle-Brothers cybernetically mounted him into one of the Chapter's Dreadnoughts-- or, as they prefer to call them within the Angry Marines, a Belligerent Engine. 20:00 - Evening Prayer - I THINK YOU GET THE IDEA. HAVE YOU NEVER SEEK A FUCKING ANGRY MARINE BEFORE?!! You have no items in your shopping cart. I have a fourth subscriber, only I already have seven Plague Toads, but I picked up three more recently. Having risen very quickly up through the chapters ranks and now possessing his own battle barge (Considerable Shouting) Moarfistin decided to start his very own crusade against the Tau (FUCKING CHEESE LOVING CUNT HEADS!!!) An Angry Marine Quartermaster had made planetfall to procure supplies, and the young boy happened to be in the area. !” the chaplain calmly stated after seeing the dreadnoughts making their way towards the main body of the angry marine taskforce. Head serf Chef Gordon Ramsey, the only man angry enough to cook for the Angry Marines, although they consider him to be a pansy. When it emerged there was no bolt rifle, but a circle made of forefinger and thumb. After expending his ammunition, each marine would charge down the firing lane to smash the pristine target with his bolter, his hands, and anything else within reach. He tried to shake his head but couldn't. The Angry Marines employ a variety of weapons notably different to the standard Space Marine arsenal. "THAT DOES IT!! No righteous demi-gods descended from the heavens to help them. Its said that with his slaaneshi enhanced eyesight he could see the fury on brother furiels face from space and the middle fingers he was giving while burning up on re-entry! Licking each other’s’ arseholes while you platted your hair! Died from infections brought on by using its internal machinery to compact collected waste to fire at a boarding party of Chaos Space Marines. Since I didn't actually cover any hobby related activity in my 2020 Recap, he murmured, swiftly proceeding to pass out. "IF YOU DON'T SHUT YOUR FUCKING FAGGOTY COCKSUCKING MOUTH I'LL LET THAT ASSHOLE MOFO HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH YOU!!!" The two Angry Marines Battle Barges collided sides-first against one another as they plummeted towards a single target. Only Terridyne had sockets for direct neural interface. come looking for new content, I first of all want to say thank you to ... Hey all, a little late on the post NOVA this year but got hit with the Con Their was daemons marauding through the streets, raping killing, pillaging doing unspeakable things with pool noodles and a local girls schola progenium. The gears starting to turn in officiuses head….HEY dick muncher! Then, at last, they received a reply. The Enemy was dug in to this hillside deep and good. YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE THE FUCKING CLEVER ONE AROUND HERE!!!" The aspiring Champion of Khorne called out to the Angry Marines before him just as they prepared to charge his host of daemons and World Eaters. One of the roles of a chief Reclusiarch is to ensure that the chapter remains full of nice, good, emperor bothering space marines, and not spikey, tentacle creatures wearing power armour. Either way, any new words must remain unknown to the universe at large to prevent galactic level recreations of the "Raiders of the lost ark" final scene, thankfully though, the book is protected/owned by the FUCKING ANGRY MARINES, meaning that a force the size of every black crusade combined would be needed to rest it from their adamantium grip. “I WANT TO SMELL ROAST HEATHEN!!!”. “BRING IT IN!! The next lot of models Thanks to everybody who supported or provided feedback on the project. He sounded in considerable pain. NOW ALL OF YOU HAVE SHOWN THAT YOU’RE A BUNCH OF ANGRY BASTARDS, AND AS THE CHAPTER MASTER I…” pausing to think for a moment before continuing “AH FUCK IT YOUR ANGRY MARINES NOW!!! All of a sudden, Yarrick was filled with a righteous fury and before he knew it he was pelting the marine with scattered wrenches and chunks of metal while screaming a stream of profanity which just melted into one long cry of “FFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! A kind soul has provided us a sneak peak at the Tau section of WAR IS IMMINENT, BITCHES!!!”. This was a last stand, the enemy were at the final gate and the humans were about to get butt-fucked. “WE'VE GOT A FUCKING TASK AHEAD!! Cultist-chan versus the Angry Marine - Part1, Cultist-chan versus the Angry Marine - Part2, Cultist-chan versus the Angry Marine - Part3. After watching half of my company torn to shreds by the Enemy, they were asking me to join them? WE ALSO DRINK FUCKTONS OF SUNNY D BECAUSE THAT SHIT IS FUCKING SWEET! I have all STOP SHOOTING!!! Despite all this however, he’d managed to progress through the game to the point that he felt that he could (if given enough time) complete it, he’d got the hand of the clumsy keyboard and had noticed patterns in the ancient software’s programming, he could do this, it may take him days but he could do it, and it would be fucking wor… At this thought, a tiny avatar of an Angry Marine with a crude troll face wandered onto the display, grasped Shitforbrains character by the throat and began to repeatedly kick him in the balls, tiny pixels of blood erupting from the avatar until, in a violent and bloody coughing fit, he coughed up his own testicles. The truth was much scarier: Hive Fleet Amemasu was coming, and it was hungry, and Planet Illis was going to be the main course. I cannot live without the other but one hold He swept the weapon across the Tyranid's neck, severing its head. Continuing to pursue, work around, and repost deleted comments will effectively result in a ban. The yellow-clad Battle-Brothers then turned their gaze to meet his. But as more corpses piled around the walls, the more precarious became the city's chances. In the midst of the slaughter, I noticed a change in the battle. It was an angry laugh. !” The added insults had the desired effect, as both fighters pulled back their right legs and simultaneously delivered savage kicks to the others privates, instantly knock both of them over into moaning heaps on the floor. !” And at that he pulled the inquisitor that had been hiding underneath the table with a microphone out and gave the man such a withering stare that his hair began to grey and char at the ends before everyone’s eyes. The one i Despite applying such tactical prudence they ran out of bolter ammo almost straight away. !” There was a moment of silence as everyone present remembered what had happened to the last Marine who had been desperate enough to try and steal and use the roll of emergency purity seals from Mofo, it was the first time a lot of the marine’s present had ever heard a fellow Angry Marine beg for mercy. the flash. They were still seething, the air between them charged with heated rage, but they did not utter a word. Knowing that if the enemy would engage the other Angry Marines before they could get their hands on the chaosfags still pants-on-head retarded enough to be named the “EMPERORS children”, the other angry marines would rip them to pieces and not leaving any asskicking for Chaplain Smackface and his squad. Buildings collapsed, dust and flames flew, two whole Tyranid swarms were reduced to purple smears. So, the launch of the Kickstarter for my book ARMIES & LEGIONS & HORDES I picked up Drazhar, the Master of Blades, Phoenix Lord of the The converted Zephyrim Squad is painted and ready for battle. It was a difficult The Titan, whose name they didn't even know (or care about, to be honest), stumbled into the smoke, trailing a wake of yellow-armoured psychos. with... Der Umbau an Angron hat mich doch mehr Zeit gekostet als ich vermutet habe.