Naos (Zeta Puppis) is a blue supergiant and the second brightest O star in the sky in terms of apparent magnitude. In a pair of binoculars, you can tell at a glance that Naos is hot because of its remarkably blue color. It is one of the sky's few naked-eye class O-type stars as well as one of the closest to Earth. Zeta Puppis is one of the best studied O-type stars; several important parameters have been determined with good accuracy, including the distance 352 (429) 549 pc (~1400 light years); diameter 20 R ¤; effective temperature 42,000 ± 1500 K; and period of rotation ~4.8 – 5.2 days (Howarth et al. A blue star is a hot star, and the outer atmosphere of Naos measures a blazing 42,000 K, … Thanks to its high brightness, Naos is clearly visible when observed from locations with dark skyes, and should be also quite easily visible from light polluted areas. Puppis, the Poop Deck, was originally part of an over-large constellation, the ship of Jason and the Argonauts, Argo Navis, which centuries after its initial description, was divided into three parts, the other two being Carina (the keel and hull), and Vela (the sails of the ship). 1995, Schaerer et al. In fact it is one of the brightest O stars (O5) in the sky, class O being the rarest and hottest of all normally classified stars. Zeta Puppis (Zeta Pup, ζ Puppis, ζ Pup) is a star in the constellation of Puppis.It is also known by the traditional names Naos (/ ˈ n eɪ. Another example, about 11 times larger than the sun, about 40 times heavier, and visible to the naked eye, is Zeta Puppis, also known as Naos. It is often considered as the archetype of hot massive stars with strong stellar winds. Nu Puppis. Puppis / ˈ p ʌ p ɪ s / is a constellation in the southern sky. Other articles where Zeta Puppis is discussed: star: Stellar atmospheres: , Zeta Puppis), strong, relatively narrow emission lines can be seen; however, in the ultraviolet, observations from rockets and spacecraft show strong emission lines with distinct absorption components on the shorter wavelength side. At the dim end of second magnitude (2.25), Naos seems to be just one more star scattered below the Larger Dog. It is located at around 370 light-years away from us, and it has an apparent magnitude of 3.173. Examples of blue stars include 10 Lacertae, AE Aurigae, Delta Circini, V560 Carinae, Mu Columbae, Sigma Orionis, Theta1 Orionis C, Zeta Ophiuchi. A young "runaway star" that is about 970 light-years away from the Sun, it is a spectral class type O5Ia luminous blue-white supergiant. Zeta Puppis (ζ Puppis, abbreviated Zeta Pup, ζ Pup), also named Naos, is a star in the constellation of Puppis.. The spectral class of O4 means this is one of the hottest, and most luminous, stars visible to the naked eye. Naos, the Zeta star of Argo, fell into Puppis, and is now known also as Zeta Puppis. The primary star of the system is a K-type giant star that has around 2,700% of our Sun’s radius, thus it is more than 50 times bigger than our Sun. Properties. Naos visual magnitude is 2.25, making it the 71th brightest star in the sky. The southern naked-eye bright star zeta Puppis is an evolved massive star currently at the stage of supergiant. Naos, also designated as ζ Puppis (zeta Puppis), is a star in the constellation of Puppis. The star Naos, which was designated ζ (zeta) in Argo Navis, ended up as ζ Puppis. ɒ s /, from the Greek ναύς "ship") and Suhail Hadar (سهيل هدار, possibly "roaring bright one") in Arabic.. Its surface temperature is near 40 thousand Kelvin, around seven times hotter than the average stellar temperature.Its calculated mass lies at around 40 kmp. 1997). Zeta Puppis (Naos) is a star in the Vortig Sector in the Orion Arm, orbiting the core at a distance of 25,993 light-years. Its spectral type is O4lf, meaning its an exeptionally hot and massive star. It is embedded in the Gum Nebula and used to be the Zeta star of Argo Navis (Jason's vessel Argos) – the Greek naos meaning "ship" – before becoming Zeta in Puppis, the Stern, after the big constellation was broken up. The spectral class of O4 means this is one of the hottest, and most luminous, stars visible to the naked eye. Nu Puppis is the fifth brightest star in the constellation of Puppis.