Courtship and mating Male Northern Cardinals start singing more frequently in late winter, declaring their territory from a tall open perch. This mate feeding lasts all through the egg laying and incubation stages of the breeding process. However, during the mating season they split into pairs with the male feeding his female partner while she incubates the eggs. Male cardinals molt in early fall after the breeding season is over. Photo Credit: Kathy Adams Clark. The male cardinal fiercely defends its breeding territory from other male cardinals. I wonder if we would be better off or worse off if humans had a mating season. Male cardinals will then attract females by showing off his crest, which is made to impress the female and lure her into breeding. Dapper in looks and cheerful in song, the Pyrrhuloxia is a tough-as-nails songbird of baking hot deserts in the American Southwest and northern Mexico. Common in the springtime before the breeding season starts — and when cardinals are searching for a mate. They get it in their little bird brains that their reflection in the window is a rival male cardinal or whatever. Now, let’s take a closer look at this curious, yet lovable, behavior. windows and mirrors), it frequently will spend many hours daily trying to fight the imaginary intruder. Cardinals remain faithful to their pair for till the end of breeding season. They’re monogamous animals, although they’ll normally choose a different mate each breeding season. A bright red cardinal on a winter day in Texas is a boost to the holiday spirit. The cardinal’s diet consists mostly of seeds, fruit, insects, and small animals like worms and lizards. During the incubation period, the female cardinal will stay with the eggs and the male will bring her food. They’re closely related to Northern Cardinals, but they are a crisp gray and red, with a longer, elegant crest and a stubby, parrotlike yellow bill. Most cardinals will breed between March and September. Mating. Mating and Reproduction By early spring, male cardinals have aggressively claimed their territories and will court and mate with a chosen female. Kathy Adams Clark / … Cardinal eggs have an incubation period of 11 to 13 days. They will usually drive their chicks away 10 days after hatching. Cardinals will mate for their entire lives. Click to learn more about The Cardinal Mating Habits . The northern cardinal is not migratory and will remain even in the most northern parts of its geographic range throughout the winter especially if it is sustained by human-maintained birdfeeders. When a male sees its reflection in glass surfaces (i.e. This may go on for the entire breeding season. In courtship, male and female raise heads high, sway back and forth while singing softly; male often feeds female early in Cardinals will breed 2 or 3 times per summer. Songs thus … Cardinals and robins and a few other species are notorious for this window-pecking thing. Restricted use. The Cardinal Feeding Preferences. Songs are learned by young birds from the male parent as well as other birds singing locally during the previous breeding season. Cardinals are quite social birds and will even join flocks that include other birds. 1 of 4.